Sigmaplot 12.5 user guide free download.SigmaPlot – Product Updates

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The following product updates can be used for both single user, site and network-client installations:. All SigmaPlot 13 users are encouraged to apply this hotfix to their client installation. Over 50 significant modifications have been made in this update including both bug fixes and improvements to the user interface. Some of the most important are listed below:. Get the Update: sigmaplot Over significant modifications have been made in this update including both bug fixes and improvements to the user interface.

Over significant modifications have been made in this update including both bug fixes and additional graphing and statistical analysis features. If you have modified this file, save out your old file from the SigmaPlot user directory to a new name.

The next time you run SigmaPlot, you will be prompted to copy the new file over the old one. Select yes. You can then add your old user defined equations back into the new file.

You can then add your old macros to the new file. Buy SigmaPlot Now! Updated the License Utility Ver 1. Added a provision to save a C2V file Updated License Utility command line Fixed a problem while editing legend items where redraws were happening on every keystroke.

Now it will update when you click somewhere else on the dialog, tab to another control, hit the return key, or close the dialog. Changes to our registry code to fix a couple of problems in registering our 15 key files. Verify that the registry contains all of the entries in our key files at startup. If this fails, the user will be asked to restart SigmaPlot as administrator to fix the problem.

The registry values will then be rechecked and if any key files are still not registered, then the customer will be asked to contact Technical Support. This is only performed once. When using the selections in Regional Settings, only the long date and long time formats are displayed. Asymmetric error bar line and scatter plots were not recognized by the Graph Properties and Modify Plot dialogs.

The Graph Properties dialog will show the plot type, data format, and column assignments incorrectly. Modify plot will also not recognize the correct plot description and an attempt to add new data will result in a new graph rather than modifying the existing graph. Bitmap images on a graph page did not export their data from a Plot 14 notebook to an earlier version. When you opened the exported notebook in the earlier version, handles are provided for the bitmap and it has the correct size, but no image appears.

Plot names for nonlinear regression graphs have been modified to better distinguish the plots in the Graph Properties dialog.

Line properties have been re-enabled for the edges of solids which addresses the above objects. Transparency controls on the Line tab in Object Properties have been disabled for edges of solids since SigmaPlot 14 does not support transparency for edges. A Plot 14 notebook with a graph page containing enhanced metafile images caused Plot 14 to crash if saved or exported.

Note that versions of SigmaPlot earlier than 14 did not support enhanced metafile images on a graph page. If you launched the Date and Time dialog on the Report tab for an open report, selected a format, left the Update automatically check box checked, and pressed OK, then only part of text is inserted into the report. This was a Unicode coding issue.

If a multiple scatter plot is created and is modified in the Graph Properties dialog to use a worksheet column for symbol size, then the plot description in the Graph Properties select Plot in the tree gave an incorrect plot type, calling it a bubble plot, an incorrect data format, and incorrect column assignments.

The Modify Plot dialog was also affected also if you wanted to add new data to the plot. The crash appeared when clicking in the Data Source list box or pressing OK. Duplicate tick labels could appear on a category axis. If the Status column for Survival Analysis contained text labels having more than 15 characters, then the labels would be truncated in the last panel of the Test Wizard preventing the labels from be selected for Censors or Events. Covariate names having more than 15 characters were truncated in the Covariates dialog for Cox Regression result graphs.

Also, an error message appeared when selecting User-Defined in this dialog. New Help file SPW. Log File information has been changed with additional details to track. Provision to update product serial number thru Contact dialog. Provision to display current sentinel library version in the log.

Provision to save the history of licenses applied in the log file. Command line improvements New Splash Screen Fixed a crash with a particular file.

The Pharmacology menu has been turned off in releases of Plot It will now be turned on by default. When you exceeded the maximum number of intervals when specified for a coordinate for a 3D plot in the Plot Equation dialog, an incorrectly worded message was shown. When a graph is the data source for a curve fit, the indexed formats Category XY and Category Y are now allowed for a plot so that its entire data, including all tuples, will be used as the regression data.

Increased the width of the Test drop-down for statistics so the names of many statistical procedures are not truncated when selected. Accessing Transform Notebook Item Text in a macro caused problems. The Page setup dialog was not working right.

Fix for the Enzyme Kinetics exe file. Now the newer 1. The version of the build has been changed from The exact profile folder depends on the operating system. Some of the most important are listed below: SigmaPlot Used Dynamic Update in the new Graph Properties to provide immediate graph update.

Removed the Graph, Plot and Axis tabs from the V11 design and replaced this with a fixed two-level tree. All items previously existing in those tabs can now be viewed at one time. Simplified user interface to select tree node on left then change property on right. Designed Graph Properties panel to allow clicking outside it.

Implemented the Current Group to allow selecting axes, plots and graphs from within Graph Properties. Provided a Graph Properties transparency feature to allow viewing graph changes behind the dialog. Reduced the size of Graph Properties to reclaim some window real estate. Modified the curve fit library standard. Updated the Stat Transfer library for improved data import and export. Added PDF vector export. Improved EPS export. Added Modify Plot to the right-click-on-page menu. Added Transforms and Regressions to the help menu.

Added anti-aliasing to the right-click-on-page menu. Removed number of data sets restriction in the ROC macro. Fixed crash when a Graph is pasted repeatedly on the graph page.

Fixed disabled pasting Ctrl-V in report. Fixed a JPEG export crash. Fixed crash on opening SigmaPlot by double clicking a file. Clarified missing browser Help error message. Removed colored square behind 3D graph pasted into Powerpoint. Replaced sort in Fit with Weight dropdown with user-entered order. Changed Tolerance format in Regression Options panel to scientific.

Fixed crash caused by cell formatting. Corrected color problem with WMF graph export. Corrected mis-indexing of data columns pasted into a report. Fixed multi-color text string problem. Fixed colors in cells which were not displayed when pasted from Excel. Fixed description logic in Parallel Lines Analysis macro. Fixed Tab key scrolling through page objects.

Fixed long decimal display of certain worksheet numbers. Fixed non-sticky Cascade view. Disabled not-applicable right click graph page items. Fixed problem where the tooltip text is deleted for all macro buttons on the Toolbox tab.

Fixed the legend to be displayed after its plot has been cycled off then on. Fixed shifting 3D axis titles when exported.

Fixed a crash caused by adding data to a box plot with a transparent fill. Fixed disabled Modified Plot caused by a plot which now points to an empty column.

Fixed color transparency which was not reliably connected to slider position.


Sigmaplot 12.5 user guide free download.Tips for New SigmaPlot Users

Importing places the Excel data into a SigmaPlot worksheet, sigmaplot 12.5 user guide free download does not open the workbook as an actual Excel workbook. To show a hidden plot: E Double-click the graph. SigmaPlot now offers almost 50 of the most frequently used statistical tests in scientific research by integrating SigmaStat into one application. To specify page setup functions for the active Excel workbook, on the File menu, click Page Setup to open the Page Setup dialog box. Cownload cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features.


Sigmaplot 12.5 user guide free download


SigmaPlot 12 Product Update. Over 50 significant modifications have been made in this update including both bug fixes and improvements to the user interface. Some of the most important are listed below:. The exact profile folder depends on the operating system. Some of the most important are listed below: SigmaPlot Used Dynamic Update in the new Graph Properties to provide immediate graph update. Removed the Graph, Plot and Axis tabs from the V11 design and replaced this with a fixed two-level tree.

All items previously existing in those tabs can now be viewed at one time. Simplified user interface to select tree node on left then change property on right. Designed Graph Properties panel to allow clicking outside it. Implemented the Current Group to allow selecting axes, plots and graphs from within Graph Properties.

Provided a Graph Properties transparency feature to allow viewing graph changes behind the dialog. Reduced the size of Graph Properties to reclaim some window real estate. Modified the curve fit library standard. Updated the Stat Transfer library for improved data import and export. Added PDF vector export.

Improved EPS export. Added Modify Plot to the right-click-on-page menu. Added Transforms and Regressions to the help menu. Added anti-aliasing to the right-click-on-page menu. Removed number of data sets restriction in the ROC macro. Fixed crash when a Graph is pasted repeatedly on the graph page.

Fixed disabled pasting Ctrl-V in report. Fixed a JPEG export crash. Fixed crash on opening SigmaPlot by double clicking a file. Clarified missing browser Help error message. Removed colored square behind 3D graph pasted into Powerpoint. Replaced sort in Fit with Weight dropdown with user-entered order. Changed Tolerance format in Regression Options panel to scientific. Fixed crash caused by cell formatting.

Corrected color problem with WMF graph export. Corrected mis-indexing of data columns pasted into a report. Fixed multi-color text string problem. Fixed colors in cells which were not displayed when pasted from Excel. Fixed description logic in Parallel Lines Analysis macro. Fixed Tab key scrolling through page objects. Fixed long decimal display of certain worksheet numbers. Fixed non-sticky Cascade view. Disabled not-applicable right click graph page items. Fixed problem where the tooltip text is deleted for all macro buttons on the Toolbox tab.

Fixed the legend to be displayed after its plot has been cycled off then on. Fixed shifting 3D axis titles when exported. Fixed a crash caused by adding data to a box plot with a transparent fill. Fixed disabled Modified Plot caused by a plot which now points to an empty column. Fixed color transparency which was not reliably connected to slider position. Fixed radar vectors to use color schemes. Fixed bug causing a black background color in an unfilled contour plot.

Fixed crash when printing 3D graphs from the Notebook Manager. Product Information. Data Smoothing. Data Transforms. Section System Requirements.

Add-on Modules. Graph Showcase. PDF Brochure. Product Uses. Upgrade Comparison. Register Your Product. Terms of Use Privacy Policy Sitemap.


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