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Keramische zwembaden. Many standard file types are supported. The purpose of the fourth subsection, Missing media, is described below. You can open a project right from the Library and begin editing it, or you can add it to the timeline of another project to serve as an ordinary clip. Collections are custom groupings of Library media. The more time you spend on media management, the more you will probably use Collections. They can serve as temporary holding places while you work, or for classifying and setting aside media for later use.

Collections may be automatically generated, but most are user defined. Hierarchically-organized Collections are also supported. The top-level Collections in the hierarchy are used as subsections of the Collections branch. The Creative Elements branch is shown open in the illustration at right, revealing its subsections.

Each is either a type of special effect Effects and Transitions , or a special media type. Ready-to-use, royalty-free collections of all seven types are included with Pinnacle Studio. Rather, it keeps track of their names, locations and properties in an internal database. The information stored also includes any tags and ratings with which you have annotated particular items, and the parameters of any correction filters you have applied.

The database The files that make up the Library database are stored in a folder with single-user rather than shared access rights under Microsoft Windows. If Pinnacle Studio is used on your computer by multiple users with individual log-ins, a separate Library will be created for each. Missing media Operations like adding, removing and renaming a Library asset are database operations that have no effect on the media file itself.

When you remove an asset from the Library, an option on the confirmation dialog box does let you go one step further and delete the actual file as well, but the option is off by default — you have to specifically request the action. By the same token, when you delete or move an asset file in Windows Explorer or another application outside of Pinnacle Studio, the database record of the file continues to exist.

If the file still exists, but has simply been moved to another folder or device, relinking it to the Library is easy. The Asset Tree is described below page Location tabs Editing a video project involves coordinating the various media and other assets at your disposal. Like a web browser that uses a row of tabs to allow flipping effortlessly amongst multiple open web sites, the Library lets you create and configure location tabs as you work. The tabs provide direct access to each of the various locations in which you are currently working.

Here three tabs give access to media required by different parts of a disc project. The mouse pointer is poised to create a new tab. To close a tab, click the x icon to the right of the tab caption. To set the location of the current tab, click a name in the Asset Tree. Changes you make to viewing and filtering options while the tab is active are retained between accesses. When you select a location in the Navigator, the folder name appears on the caption of the active location tab, and its contents are displayed in the neighboring Browser.

In the Main Library, shown here, the Navigator occupies the lefthand pane of the workspace. The Group By menu The header line of the All media branch offers a small dropdown menu of options to control how the groupings within each subsection of the branch are created. When you group by folder the default , the folder structure corresponds to actual directories on Chapter 2: The Library 17 Page 30 your hard drive, flash drive, or other file-system device.

Some standard folders are included by default; you can add others at will using the watchfolder system. Grouping by folder is shown in the Main Library illustration above. When you use another grouping, by rating, by date or by file type, exactly the same asset files are listed within each subsection as with the by folder grouping.

Grouping by rating, for example, divides each subsection into six virtual folders. In the inset illustration above, the Photos subsection of the All Media branch is shown grouped by file type. The bottom-level folders in the Navigator are displayed in the Browser right. The add collection button The Collections branch does not exhibit a group by menu. Inside a Collection, any asset can rub shoulders with any other.

One special Collection, with the name Latest import, is automatically updated after each import operation to display the media added. Immediately after importing, you can turn to this Collection and start working with the new material. Another automatically-generated Collection is Latest Smart Creation, which stores the media you selected for your most recent SmartSlide or SmartMovie production. Chapter 2: The Library 19 Page 32 Collection operations To create a new Collection, click the icon in the header line of the Collections branch and enter a name in the provided text field.

Complete the process by pressing Enter. Drag and drop: Collections can be organized in the Navigator with the mouse. A dragged Collection becomes a subcollection when dropped upon another.

Displaying collected assets Clicking the name of a Collection causes it to be displayed in the Browser. There is one important difference between the Browser view of Collections and those of all other categories: the media assets in any subcollections are visually merged with those of the selected Collection, but not subgrouped. Operations on collected assets These operations can be performed from the context menu of any Collection item.

To act on a group of items, first select them with the mouse using Ctrl-click and Shift-click for multiple selections as needed or by dragging out a frame around the items. Then rightclick within the selection to access the context menu. Alternatively, drag the selection onto the target Collection. Remove from Collection: The Remove command removes the item or items from the Collection.

As usual with the Library, the underlying media items involved are not affected, so removing a video or other item from a Collection in the Library does not delete it from other Library locations.

Managing Library assets Media and other assets find their way into the Library in several ways. For instance, the original contents of the Creative Elements branch of the Library are installed with Pinnacle Studio. The Library automatically discovers some assets on your system by regularly scanning Windows-standard media locations.

These are set up on Pinnacle Studio installation as watchfolders. Media files in these locations will automatically be brought into the Library.

You can add your own watchfolders see below , and they will be automatically updated, too. Watchfolders Watchfolders are directories on your computer that Pinnacle Studio monitors. If you add media files such as video clips to a watchfolder, or one of its subfolders, they automatically become part of the Library. Updating occurs each time the application is launched and while the application is running. Watchfolders are set up on the Watchfolders page of the Setup control panel.

Please see Chapter Setup for more information. Chapter 2: The Library 21 Page 34 Importing If you need to import a large amount or variety of media, or to import from analog media such as VHS tape, click the Import button near the top of the application window to open the Importer.

See Chapter The Importer for full information. Quick import The Quick Import button at the top left of the Library opens a Windows file dialog for fast import of files from a hard drive or other local storage.

New folders in the corresponding media categories photos, video, audio and projects are created for the files specified. In addition, the imported items are included in the Last Import Collection.

Collections were described earlier in this chapter, on page Direct import via drag and drop To select and import items in one step, use drag-and-drop from Windows Explorer or the desktop into the Browser. For other exporting options, use the Exporter instead, by selecting the asset and clicking the Export tab at the top of the window. See Chapter The Exporter for full information. To store a Library asset on a disc, select Burn Disc on the context menu.

You can burn just the file, or a disc image if you have made one. If you select multiple assets, and then select Burn Disc, all of the assets will appear on the Burn files to disc dialog.

More assets can be added by clicking the File icon and browsing. You can also delete files from the list before burning. A dialog window will open for creating an account or logging in. The upload operation does not modify your files, but simply copies them to Box — that is, to your personal storage area on Box.

Removing items from the Library To remove an item from the Library, or a selection containing multiple items, choose Delete selected from the context menu or press the Delete key. A confirmation dialog lets you approve the list of media files to be removed from the Library database. By default, the files themselves will not be affected, but the Remove from library and delete option lets you delete the files too, if desired. Be careful, as this command works on all kinds of Library assets, including your Pinnacle Studio projects if any of those are selected.

When all the files in a folder are removed, the Library hides the folder as well. Chapter 2: The Library 23 Page 36 You may also remove a folder and all the assets it contains from the Library when removing the folder from the watchfolders list. However, this is not automatic and you will be asked if you want to keep your current assets listed in the Library, but still stop monitoring the location.

The items are displayed either as a list of text records or as a grid of icons. Visual asset types use thumbnail images for their icons; other types use graphic symbols. The Library would not be much help if the Browser displayed all its assets at once. The info button, available in the main Library only, toggles the display of a panel across the bottom of the Browser pane where details about the current asset are displayed, such as its caption, file name, rating, and any tags or comments associated with it.

The information may be edited, and for some assets, you can also open the corrections tools by clicking the gear icon on the top left corner of the pane.

The scenes view button applies to video assets only. While this button is active, items in the Browser represent the individual scenes in a particular video, not the entire asset as usual. In the compact Library, the three buttons are placed at left.

The thumbnails view button switches to viewing assets as thumbnails rather than as text lines. A pop-up checklist associated with the button lets you select the readouts and controls that will appear beside thumbnails in the Browser. The details view button switches to the alternative viewing mode, in which each asset appears as a text listing.

The pop-up checklist with this button selects the text fields to be displayed. The zoom slider lets you magnify the thumbnails to get a closer look, or pull back for a wider view. This slider is always found at the right-hand end of the footer bar. Thumbnails and details Each asset is displayed in the Library Browser in one of two formats, depending on the view selected. Because the icons of thumbnails view and the text records of details view represent the same assets, they have certain features in common.

For instance, the context menu for assets is the same regardless of which representation is used. Similarly, standard media assets video, photo and audio , along with Sound effects in the Creative Elements branch, open an appropriate media editor for corrections when double-clicked in either view. The corrections tools are also available when a media editor is invoked from the timeline, but when applied to a Library asset the corrections are carried forward into any future project that includes it.

Chapter 2: The Library 25 Page 38 Details In details view, each asset is presented as one line in a list of text records. In thumbnails view, it appears as a thumbnail image for visual media types or graphic icon.

To switch the Browser to details view, click the icon on the details view button at the bottom of the Library. The arrow beside the button pops up a panel listing the optional columns available to be included in the text records one column, Caption, is always present. In Details view, each asset is displayed as a one-line text record. A pop-up checklist beside the Details view button lets you select which columns to show.

Thumbnails The button to the left of the details view button selects thumbnails view, in which assets are represented in the Browser by icons rather than text. The arrow alongside the button opens a pop-up checklist on which you can choose additional data to be shown with each icon.

In the compact version of the Library as seen in the project editors and some media editors , the preview is shown on the Source tab of the embedded Player. In the Main Library, the Player occupies a floating, resizable window. In either version of the Library, Alt-clicking the preview button will give you a mini-preview on the asset icon itself.

With video and audio media, you can control the mini-preview manually by means of a scrubber that appears below the thumbnail whenever the mouse is over the icon. If the asset is a photo, a pop-up preview button replaces the standard play symbol. Clicking it will display the photo in the pop-up Player. When the Browser is in thumbnails view, a slider is available to control the size of the icons. You will find the slider in the bottom right corner of the Library.

The icons can also be resized with the scroll wheel when Ctrl is pressed and the mouse pointer is positioned over the Browser pane. Locked content indicator: Some of the Disc Menus, Titles, Montages, and other creative elements in the Library are locked to indicate that you do not own a license to distribute them freely.

This status is indicated by the lock indicator. Even though locked, the content can still be handled as usual. You can edit it in the Library, and add it to a timeline. A project containing locked content can be saved, put on a disc and exported. See Settings panel on page Optional indicators and controls The optional indicators and buttons on an asset icon in the Library Browser let you access and in some cases modify information about the asset without having to burrow deeper.

Use the pop-up checklist 28 Pinnacle Studio Page 41 on the thumbnails view button to determine which indicators and buttons are displayed. Caption: The caption below the icon is the Library alias for the asset, which you can set with the Edit caption context menu command for any asset. It is not necessarily the name of the underlying asset file which is shown in the tooltip. Shortcut: The presence of this indicator in the extreme upper left of a thumbnail shows that the asset is a shortcut rather than an independent media file.

Shortcuts, which consist of a reference to an existing media item along with a package of Corrections settings, can be created from the File menu of the media editor for any Library asset. Thereafter, they behave like ordinary assets, and are available for use in your productions. Tag indicator: The bottommost of the three symbols at the right of the thumbnail is shown if the asset has any tags assigned to it. Hover the mouse pointer over the indicator to bring up a menu on which the existing tags for the asset are shown.

As you pass the pointer over a tag name on this menu, a remove button appears. Click it to unset the tag. Click remove all at the bottom of the menu to clear all tags from the asset. Collection indicator: Just above the tag indicator, the presence of this symbol indicates that you have included the asset in one or more Collections. To see which ones, hover the mouse over the symbol. As with the tag indicator menu, a remove button is shown as you position the mouse on each Collection name; click it to remove the asset from the Collection.

The remove all command removes the asset from all Collections of which it is a member. The types of corrections that have been applied to an asset, and the parameters that were used to control them, are stored in the Library database.

If corrections have been applied to an asset, the corrections indicator appears just above the collection indicator. Click the indicator to open the applicable media editor and update corrections settings.

See page 41 for information about applying corrections to Library assets. The Ratings control appears at the left above the asset thumbnail.

At top right is the Info button. The Corrections indicator is also at upper right, just above the Collection indicator. Ratings: The row of stars above the top left of the icon lets you set the asset rating. If no stars are lit, the asset is said to be unrated. To set the rating of one asset or a selection of assets, either click the corresponding star on the indicator click the first star twice to make the asset unrated again or choose the setting on the Apply rating context submenu.

The indicator appears when video and photo assets are automatically detected as stereoscopic while importing them the Library, and when an asset has been manually set as stereoscopic in corrections. Used media indicator: A checkmark is displayed to the right of the ratings indicator if the asset represented by the thumbnail is currently to be found in an open timeline within your project.

The checkmark is rendered in green if the asset is used in the currently visible project; otherwise it is gray. The used media indicator applies only to photo, video and audio assets, not to items like transitions and titles that come from the Creative Elements branch. Like most of the other indicators, the information indicator can be turned on and off using the thumbnails view pop-up. The Library preview Most types of Library asset support previewing in the Browser.

The capability is indicated by a preview button on the asset icon, and the presence of a Show preview command on its context menu. Remember too that most asset types can be previewed on the icon itself with an Alt-click on the play button.

The Library Player Clicking the preview button in the center of the asset icon loads the item into the Library Player for viewing.

Previewing a video clip in the Library Player window. The transport controls are at the bottom, starting with a Loop button at the far left and a shuttle wheel. The third in the group of five arrow buttons starts playback. The two buttons on each side of it are for navigating from asset to asset in the Library folder.

Chapter 2: The Library 31 Page 44 Along the top of the Player, the current viewing position is displayed. At the bottom is a toolbar of transport controls and function buttons. Transport controls First among the transport controls is the loop button, which causes playback in a continuous loop from the start of the media.

Next is a shuttle wheel with which you can sensitively control the speed of playback by dragging backwards and forwards on the control. The center play button in the cluster of five arrow controls begins preview of the video or audio asset. The two buttons on either side of it are for navigating from the viewed asset to others in its folder. When previewing a photo the play button does not appear; only the navigation buttons remain. Click the mute button to the right of the transport controls to toggle the audio associated with the clip.

A volume slider appears next to the mute button when the mouse is over it. Function buttons Some buttons in the final group at the bottom of the Player appear only with particular asset types.

A video file uses all four types, in the order shown and described here. Scenes view: This button activates a mode in which the Browser displays a separate icon or text record for each scene in the video file.

As explained under Video scene detection, a scene in the most general sense is just any portion of a video file. When Scenes view is active, the neighboring Open in corrections editor button is removed, and a Split scene button takes its place.

This allows you to define your own scenes instead of, or as well as, relying on the automatic scene detection feature. Full-screen: The preview is shown in a special full-screen window, with its own basic set of transport controls. To close the full-screen display, click the close button in the top right corner of the window, or press Esc.

The information view can be opened directly by clicking the info button on a media asset icon in the Browser. Audio assets have no separate playback view; instead, full scrubbing controls are shown in the information view.

In the information view, the properties that can be edited are Rating, Title, Tags and Comment. Here, data regarding a Library asset, a video, is displayed in the Information view of the Player. Click the highlighted Info button to return to the Playback view of the asset. Chapter 2: The Library 33 Page 46 3D viewing mode switcher When stereoscopic 3D content is being shown, the 3D viewing mode switcher will appear. On opening the Player, the default mode from the preview settings in the Control Panel is used for photos, videos, and projects.

The icon for the current mode is displayed beside a dropdown arrow used for switching modes. The available modes are: Left eye, Right eye: The preview for stereoscopic content can be set to show only its left or right eye view.

This helps keep things simple at times when a stereoscopic preview is unnecessary. Editing in these views is carried out as for a 2D movie. Side by side: This mode displays the frames for both eyes horizontally adjacent to each other, with the left eye on the left and the right eye on right.

When editing, no stereoscopic equipment is needed. If 2D material is added to a stereoscopic 3D timeline in differential mode, since the same content is shown to both eyes, the image will be a uniform gray. Checkerboard: Checkerboard mode breaks the image up into a 16 x 9 checkerboard pattern. Checkerboard mode provides a quick check on the ways the left and right frames differ across the whole image.

This obviates the need for a special graphics card or additional hardware. Configure the second display to operate in its native resolution, and to extend your desktop, not just mirror it. Make sure the input format is sideby-side. Set up Studio with a 16×9 stereoscopic timeline.

Finally, on the Player, click the Full Screen button. Anaglyph: An Anaglyph stereoscopic preview is suitable for viewing with red-cyan stereoscopic glasses, with no additional hardware support required. The type of 3D display offered depends on the hardware available. No matter how numerous your media files, the combined power of these techniques can greatly speed your browsing. Chapter 2: The Library 35 Page 48 Location tabs Most importantly, each location tab corresponds to a different selection on the Navigator.

Clicking within the Navigator sets the location for the current tab; conversely, clicking another tab transfers you to its saved location on the tree. Only the assets within the chosen location are displayed in the Browser. If the location has subfolders, however, their contents will be included. To keep things simple, choose a location as near the bottom of the folder hierarchy as possible. Other controls let you restrict the display further by filtering out some of the assets in the chosen location.

Each location tab maintains its own set of filters, so any change of filtering settings affects the current tab only. To use the filter, simply click on the star that represents the minimum rating you want to bother with.

The default filter setting is to show all assets regardless of rating. To deactivate just the rating filter click the last selected star or double-click any star. In this close-up, three stars are highlighted, meaning that only assets with ratings of three stars or better are on display. Here the mouse pointer is poised to click the fifth star, which would set the rating filter to hide all but five-star assets. To return to viewing 2D assets as well, click 3D again. Filter by tags Another way to narrow the field of displayed assets is with filtering by tags.

Tags are keywords that you can assign to assets as you work. Once tags have been defined, you can use them in several ways to control which assets are displayed by the Browser. Search At the top right of the Library is a search field that gives one further way to filter the display. As you begin entering your search term, the Browser continually updates the view to include only those assets with text that matches your search term. Even when multiple terms are separated by spaces, partial-word as well as whole-word matches are allowed in each term.

A dropdown list lets you choose whether the search will be satisfied if even a single search term matches the asset text, or if all terms must match for the asset to be accepted.

Chapter 2: The Library 37 Page 50 Inadvertent filtering The various filtering methods can be combined at will. When an item is unexpectedly missing in the Browser, verify that filters are inactive. A filter alert like the one shown here is displayed at the top of the Browser whenever filtering is in force. Click the x icon at the right-hand end to clear all filtering at once.

Tags The Library is capable of handling a great number of asset files, sometimes far more in even a single folder than can be viewed conveniently. The Browser therefore provides a number of methods of winnowing out irrelevant assets from the display. One method of streamlining the display of assets in the Browser is filtering by tags. A tag is simply a word or short phrase that you think would be useful as a search term.

It is up to you whether you assign tags to your media, but if you do, they provide a powerful way of selecting assets to display. Tag management and filtering Management of tags, and filtering by tags, are handled in a panel that appears when the Tags button at the top of the Library is clicked. At the top of the tags panel is a text box for entering new tag names.

The panel also lists all the tags you have defined so far, lets you delete or rename them, and lets you choose which assets you want displayed in the Library. Creating, renaming and deleting tags To create a new tag, click in the text box at the top of the tags panel and type in your tag.

Select the media that you want to tag, make sure the Apply the tag to selected media box is checked, and click the Create new tag button beside the text box. There is no limit to the number of tags you can create.

To apply an existing tag to all currently-selected assets in the Browser, click the tag name. Selecting multiple assets to tag makes the process much more efficient than if you could tag only one item at a time.

Hovering over a tag reveals the Rename and Delete buttons. Clicking the tag itself applies it to any currently-selected assets. Chapter 2: The Library 39 Page 52 Hovering the mouse over a tag reveals the controls for renaming or deleting the tag.

To rename, click the Rename icon, type in the new name, and press Enter. Click the Trashcan icon to delete the tag. To delete all tags at once, use the Delete all tags button at the bottom of the panel. If you are deleting a tag that is in use, you will be given a chance to back out of the operation.

Under the second choice, you will see the tags being resorted each time one is checked or unchecked. Filtering with tags Beside each tag name listed in the panel is a Filter icon that you can use to narrow the set of items displayed in the Browser. As you check and uncheck the tags, the view updates automatically. The exact effect of your selections depends on another control, the Match dropdown just above the tags. The list provides three options. None displays only assets that have none of your checkmarked tags.

Photos with neither tag will be hidden. Full selects only the assets that have all your tags. Now with the same boxes checked you should see only those photos in which at least one cat and one dog appear. To turn off all filtering at once, click the x button at the right hand end of the orange bar.

The art of tagging There is no prescribed way of using tags. The best way to use them — if you do — is the way that works best for you.

Consistency is important, however. The more faithful and systematic you are about assigning tags to your media, the more useful they will be. Since the idea is to locate an asset quickly when you need it, tags should be chosen to work well as search terms.

With family photos, your tags might include the names of the people in each shot. For vacation video scenes, tags naming the locations visited would probably be useful. Correcting media You can apply the media correction tools in the Video, Photo and Audio editors directly to Library assets. This kind of editing does not change the underlying files. Instead, the editing parameters are stored in the Library database and are reapplied whenever the asset is recalled. See Chapter 4: Media editing: Corrections for details.

With video footage, for example, the Adjustments group of tools allows you to override the Library-assigned aspect ratio, interlace mode and stereoscopic 3D format. Dividing raw files into scene-length portions can make some editing tasks much less cumbersome than they would be otherwise. The time required for scene detection varies depending on the length of the clip and the detection method selected. A progress bar keeps you informed of the status. To initiate scene detection, select one of the methods on the Detect scenes context menu command for video assets.

By date and time: This option often results in logical scene boundaries that reflect your intention while shooting. In many digital recording formats, such as DV and HDV, a discontinuity in the recorded timecode data occurs whenever the camera is restarted after being stopped.

These shooting breaks are treated as scene breaks under the option. By content: Under this option, the scene detection tool analyzes the image content of the material frame by frame, and establishes a new scene whenever there is an abrupt change in content.

However, a quick pan or rapid movement across the frame may produce some unneeded breaks. By time interval: In this variant you define the length of the scenes to be created. A small editing window opens for entering the desired value in hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds. The scene duration has a one second minimum. Press Enter to confirm your input.

Show the scenes To show the catalog of scenes for a particular video file, either select Show scenes from its context menu; or select the clip, then click the Scenes view button that appears at the bottom right of the Library. The orange bar at the top of the Browser alerts you that scene view is active. At the right hand end of the bar is an x button you can use to terminate the mode. Clicking the Scenes view button again has the same effect.

A single video file can contain many scenes. This makes the footage easier to manipulate during editing than if it were treated as a single segment.

During editing, scene clips behave identically to other video clips. In the Library Player, navigate within the clip to each frame where a scene break should occur, then click the Split scene button. To remove individual scenes, select one or more scenes then press Delete. The created production will include animated transitions, a full music soundtrack and eye-catching image effects.

At the bottom of the Library window, just click SmartMovie. To begin, select from the Library a series of photos or video files. Your music might come from digital audio assets already in the Library, or you can cook up a soundtrack on the spot with the ScoreFitter tool.

That might be all it takes, though you can work on the project further with manual editing if you wish. Once you have a final product you like, it takes only a few clicks to burn it onto a disc or save it as a file for other uses, such as upload to the web. SmartMovie for slideshows The SmartSlide controls are presented on a panel that slides up into the window from below. It contains three subpanels. The leftmost of these presents information about SmartSlide, and advice on how many files to include.

The center subpanel is a storage area with bins for photos and other images top and audio. The right subpanel contains controls for customizing the show. Buy Now. Toggle navigation Pinnacle Studio Ultimate. Create with inspiration. Edit with Pinnacle. Take your productions closer to pro. Mesmerize your audience with incredible creative transformations. Edit with unparalleled precision, control, and frame-accurate customization.

Screen Recording. Stop Motion Animation. MultiCam Editing. Video Stabilization. Keyframe Controls. Title Editor. DVD Authoring. IMPROVED Product Stability This release focuses largely on product stability and core feature performance, along with dozens of crash and bug fixes for targeted improvements to more than unique user-identified scenarios.

IMPROVED Product Performance Incredible performance improvements have been implemented in user-identified areas such as software launch time, resource utilization, interface and project preview responsiveness, as well as import and export speed.

Keyframe Editing. Create, copy, paste, and delete groups of keyframes across parameters brightness, transparency, saturation, etc. User Interface. Enjoy streamlined editing with enhanced usability across the product, thanks to improvements on the installation process, control panel options, in-product help, and more. Refreshed control panel sections provide more control over your editing experience, including options to reduce the demand on your computer; revised tooltips and interface strings deliver improved clarity and interpretability.

Tools and features performance across the product. Enjoy improved title editing responsiveness and see changes applied to titles in the title preview much faster. Plus, manage your customized titles more effectively with updates to the accessibility of your saved presets.

Extend the power of video masking with reduced mask editing response time for shape creation and editing, object tracking, and applying functions to the mask or matte for better playback performance. Make your story cinematic. Let color in! Use the whole palette of Color Grading controls.

Pure creativity. Enjoy a whole host of incredible, powerful special effects. Stylize your film. Play with artistic effects and surprise your audience. Add depth to your story. Layer clips in a unique manner to create illusions and produce new impressive scenery. Blend modes Improvise on the fly with Blend Modes and choose how one clip blends with another—from creating a superimposed effect, to blending masked areas, or creating light bleeds or other color and exposure effects.

Explore motion graphics and effects. MultiCam Editing Edit video across up to six cameras with MultiCam Editing to show a scene from various perspectives and with a different level of detail.

Music can make a good video, great! Get to know the advanced Audio Editor. Find more in our best-in-class feature sets. Video Stabilization Eliminate shaky footage altogether! Lens Correction Explore built-in Lens Correction tools to remove lens distortion e. Play with formats.


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Pinnacle Studio is a video editor with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to add and mix photos, video clips, and audio tracks in a multi-track timeline. NewBlue Motion Blends offers dynamic transitions that introduce refreshing new ways to move your imagery and keep your viewer engaged.

Pinnacle Hollywood FX volumes are sets of dynamic video transitions from the Hollywood FX collection of advanced transitions. Each content set includes an intro DVD menu and scene menu, three video titles and a group of special sound effects. Pinnacle Creative Pack for Studio gives you a lot of fun new ways to make the most of your movies. Pinnacle Creative Pack for Studio Creative Pack Volume 1 includes Pinnacle TVCenter Pro Pinnacle , please do not download Pinnacle Game Profiler allows you to play your favorite games with any gamepad, joystick, or other type of game controller.

Neat Video provides the most accurate video noise reduction currently available. Neat Video plug-in for Pinnacle Studio is designed to reduce visible noise in digital video clips. Store Manager for Pinnacle Cart is a Windows application to quickly and effectively manage your Pinnacle Cart online store.

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