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A Hat Shop Mystery. A Fixer-Upper Mystery. A Bakeshop Mystery. Grilled Cheese Mysteries. A Catskill Summer Resort Mystery. Tea by the Sea Mysteries. A Coffeehouse Mystery. Cupcake Bakery Mystery. A Writer’s Apprentice Mystery. The Village Library Mysteries. A Books by the Bay Mystery. Key West Food Critic. A Magical Bookshop Mystery. A Beach Reads Mystery. A Blue Ridge Library Mystery.

A Maine Clambake Mystery. A Vintage Kitchen Mystery. Farm to Table Mysteries. A Dangerous Type Mystery. A Kensington Palace Chef Mystery.

An Annie Kincaid Mystery. A Vintage Cookbook Mystery. Then the entire family disappears – and a dead body shows up. It’s up to Jordan to collect the clues – and make sure a killer gets booked. Vera Van Alst, the infamous curmudgeon of Harrison Falls, New York, doesn’t normally receive visitors without appointment, but she agrees to see the imperious Muriel Delgado upon arrival.

Shortly thereafter, Jordan is told that her position is being terminated. Evicted from the Van Alst House, Jordan is determined to find out what hold Muriel has over her erstwhile employer. Jordan Bingham works hard to improve Vera Van Alst’s collection of classic detective stories. So when Chadwick Kauffman – heir to the Kauffman fortune – offers a very good price on a fine collection of Ngaio Marsh first editions owned by his recently deceased stepfather, she is thrilled to meet with him at his fabled summer estate, Summerlea.

There are 4 books in the series, with a fifth scheduled for publication in October Jun 19, Kristen rated it liked it. I’m in a bit of a conundrum about how to review this book. Overall, I enjoyed the story, and there definitely were things I liked. There were also things that didn’t work for me. In the “like” column, the pace of the book was great. Fast-moving, with lots of action and excitement. The story arc really encourages the reader to keep going, with gentle cliff-hangers at lots of chapter ends.

I also liked the humour that the author laced the entire book with. I won’t give specifics, to avoid anything I’m in a bit of a conundrum about how to review this book. I won’t give specifics, to avoid anything that could be perceived as a spoiler, but suffice it to say that the story has it’s tongue firmly in its cheek all the way through and the humour included in both the story and the characters’ personalities really added to my enjoyment of the book.

The supporting characters too I found entertaining. Pretty much all of them are “characters” and they all have unique little quirks that made them fun to get to know. Senora Pannetonne in particular made me laugh every time she entered the story, and she offered comic relief when the story got a bit more serious [Note: I listened to this in audiobook format, and the narrator’s skill with voices, intonation and accent really added to my enjoyment – she did a great job of making the characters come to life for me].

I had a bit more trouble connecting to the main character Jordan. There were points where I really liked her, and agreed with the choices she made and the things she did. There were other points in the story where she came across as whiny or just not “getting it” and at those times she irritated me. Some of that I can put down to the backstory the author has written for Jordan, i. But her attitude irked me at points. I would read another in this series and look forward to seeing where things go.

Jan 26, Amy rated it liked it Shelves: audio , cozy-mystery. The sequel sold me on this series. Also I love Dashiell Hammett and that’s book five. And of course Agatha Christie So maybe I got my hopes up a little too high with this one. I expected because the plot name drops my favorites, the actual mystery would contain more mystery.

Instead it left me feeling underwhelmed. To the plot’s credit, I liked the heroine. I didn’t think I The sequel sold me on this series. I didn’t think I would at first. She takes a job and then admits to reading more Janet Evanovich than Agatha Christie.

That immediately put my hackles up, but she quickly overcomes this admission by proving herself generally intelligent and a true bookworm. Her quirky and confusing family and her fashion needed more development, but that might just be the audio book format confusing me.

By the end I only half bothered to keep track of all the male characters. I can’t say whether the murderer was obvious since I accidentally started the audio book at the end and learned who the villain was Finally, the book suffers from a heroine whose main method of solving crime involves randomly accusing people who obviously didn’t do it.

And even more obviously, it isn’t the hot detective, because I’m pretty sure it is written in stone somewhere that Hot Detectives are for Romance and never for Murder. Everything that is good about a cozy and then some. Excellent pacing, captivating characters, some eccentric critters and a plucky heroine who uses her brain!

Love, love, love that she comes from a not-so-law-abiding family. Her uncles are hysterical and her connections with the ‘underworld’ offer her some unique opportunities. Abbott kept me in a flummoxed state for most of the read. I just couldn’t figure the mystery out. I’d get all excited about my brilliant armchair sleuthing onl Brilliant! I’d get all excited about my brilliant armchair sleuthing only to have my ‘logic’ dashed, leaving me scrambling for another theory.

I didn’t solve it all The first in the Book Collector Mystery series and I already have book 2 on hold — another audio format. The narration is as brilliant as the storytelling! Feb 17, Andree rated it liked it Shelves: This is decent. The heroine is slightly different than the typical one, and I kind of like the family of law-bending Irish uncles. Also, I snickered when I read the best friend has gone to northern Alberta and is essentially living in a fake oil sands development.

Of course she has. I dunno, this isn’t perfect, but it’s kind of fun. And the next one is called “The Sayers Swindle,” so I’m obviously reading that. Dec 28, Patricia rated it it was ok. I read this book a couple of months ago and completely forgot to review it. And to be honest, there isn’t much to say about it. I wanted to like this book but just didn’t because the plot had almost nothing to do with Agatha Christie and the writing style was rather bad.

Feb 07, Heather rated it it was amazing. This was a really good first book in a series. The characters are memorable and the situation is plausible. Looking forward to trying book 2 to see how this series develops! Oct 18, Deanie Nelder rated it really liked it. Jordan’s ex-boyfriend stole the money she was saving for graduate school, she needs a job fast. But what’s a girl with a Master’s degree in English to do? She gets a job trying to track down a mysterious Agatha Christie manuscript for a rich, cranky, cat-lady widow.

At least she gets good food and a roof over her head while earning her paycheck I like Jordan and the motley cast of characters in The Christie Curse. From her con-artist u Jordan’s ex-boyfriend stole the money she was saving for graduate school, she needs a job fast.

From her con-artist uncles to the pushy Italian cook, everyone is entertaining. The ending could have used a bit of expanding, as the mystery is wrapped up rather quickly at the end, but this is a very promising start to a new series.

Mar 03, Sara Eames rated it really liked it. A fun, well-written cosy mystery that was a pleasure to read. The characters are well-written and the plot moves at a steady pace. There is enough of a mystery to keep you engaged and entertained. I look forward to reading more in this series. Jun 11, Anissa rated it really liked it Recommends it for: cozy mystery fans who love books, for collection or otherwise. Shelves: books-abt-books-libraries-archives , series , cozy-mystery , This was a fun entry to a cozy mystery series.

I continue to come across cozies that feature librarians, curators, researchers and whatnot so when I read that this one was about a look in at the apparently deadly world of book collecting, I was in. Please try your request again later. Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Learn more at Author Central. Previous page. Kindle Edition. Mass Market Paperback. Next page. Titles By Victoria Abbott.

I always get a kick out of authors I enjoy reading stopping by to respond to a blog post. Love this series — the uncles are such great characters! And particularly like the tie in with various classic mystery series in each title. Margaret, I definitely agree — the tie in to classic mysteries is definitely a great element for mystery fans. This series is one of the best I have read , funny , awesome character,and moves so fast keeps you guessing from page to page.

I have listened to the audio books while working on different quilts and I will have lovely memories of the stories every time I use one of those quilts! Please don’t tell us about Cozy Mystery authors or books you don’t enjoy.

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Victoria abbott book collector mystery series free. Victoria Abbott

I expected because the plot name drops my favorites, the actual mystery would contain more mystery. Want to Read saving…. If I find that to be the case, I will be less likely to continue the series. Love, love, love that she comes from a not-so-law-abiding family. Unfollow podcast failed.


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