Microsoft office 2010 error 1920 windows 10 free download.How to Repair Office 2010 in Windows for Different Kind of Errors?

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Microsoft office 2010 error 1920 windows 10 free download

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Insert the Office installation disc. Click Start, > Computer, and right-click in the disc drive where the Office installation disc was inserted, and select Open. Open the x64 folder in the installation root, and then double-click After setup completes, continue by following the default installation instructions, by entering. Sep 08,  · 1. Open Run (Press Windows key + R) > type and click on OK. 2. On the services Microsoft Management Console (MMC) window right-click on Office Software Protection Platform and select Properties. 3. Select the LOG ON tab > change the ‘Log on as’ information from ‘This Account’ (Network Service) to ‘Local System Account’. 4. Microsoft Windows 10 Lesson 10 – Error When Trying To Installed Office Professional In this lesson, we are going to solve an error while trying to i.



windows7のノートPCを使っていて、昨日まで普通に使えたExcelが今日保存してあったExcelのデータを開いたら、“Microsoft Offies Home and Business ”が突然開き、構成 › dll › fntcache-dll


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I attempted to install a legitimate copy of Office x86 onto my copy of Windows 10 Pro x64 and it gave me the title message here for this forum.

To ensure it wasn’t just the x86 copy of Microsoft Office that was causing the problem. I also attempted to install a legitimate copy of Office x64 and the same ‘Office Software Protection Platform’ error had occurred. On my Windows 10 bit system, the OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform folder is in the following path:.

I’d recommend you check if the path in the command line is correct and then run the command with the correct path to see the result. Please mark the reply as an answer if you find it is helpful. I have recently had to reinstall windows 10 pro after a hard disc failure, but everytime I try to reinstall Office Pro from a file I have used many times in the past I get. Error Please make sure you have permission to start system services. This is what is blocking your “osppsvc. Just delete this folder and you are good to go.

Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Resources for IT Professionals. Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. Quick access. Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Answered by:. Archived Forums. Office – Planning, Deployment, and Compatibility. This IT Professional forum is specific to the Office version. Sign in to vote. Hello, I attempted to install a legitimate copy of Office x86 onto my copy of Windows 10 Pro x64 and it gave me the title message here for this forum.

I have already researched this and attempted to try these solutions with no success. This still did not work. Please, any help would be great, thank you. Monday, July 11, PM. Please let me know the result. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact tnmff microsoft. Wednesday, July 13, AM. Hello Steve I have exactly same problem as Rundas I have recently had to reinstall windows 10 pro after a hard disc failure, but everytime I try to reinstall Office Pro from a file I have used many times in the past I get Error Russell Martin TechNet Newbie.

Thursday, September 27, AM. I might be late but I just found the solution for all the people still facing this issue. Under this folder there will be another folder called “osppsvc. Thursday, July 23, PM.

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