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Microsoft access 2016 vba tutorial free

The only difference between other applications when wanting to use VBA will simply be learning to load and work with different libraries. You do not need to be a programmer to learn Access VBA but it helps if you have some knowledge. The more important factor in order to successfully program with Access VBA is to be. The following links below will give you an overview of the basic introducing you to the tools and concepts required.
In earlier versions of Access, these kinds of features are available only by using VBA. In addition, you can embed a macro directly into the event property of an object or control. An embedded macro becomes a part of the object or control and stays with the object or control if it is moved or copied. Macros provide an easy way to handle many programming tasks, such as opening and closing forms and running reports. You can quickly and easily tie together the database objects forms, reports, and so on that you have created because there is little syntax that you must remember.
The arguments for each action are displayed in the Macro Builder. In addition to the increased security and ease of use that macros provide, you must use macros to perform the following tasks:. Assign an action or set of actions to a key.
This requires creating a macro group named AutoKeys. Carry out an action or a series of actions when a database first opens. This requires creating a macro named AutoExec. For more information about how to build macros, see the section Understand macros. Use built-in functions, or create your own functions Access includes many built-in functions, such as the IPmt function, which calculates an interest payment.
You can use these built-in functions to perform calculations without having to create complicated expressions. By using VBA code, you can also create your own functions either to perform calculations that exceed the capability of an expression or to replace complex expressions.
In addition, you can use the functions that you create in expressions to apply a common operation to more than one object. Create or manipulate objects In most cases, you will find that it is easiest to create and modify an object in that object’s Design view. In some situations, however, you might want to manipulate the definition of an object in code. By using VBA, you can manipulate all the objects in a database, in addition to the database itself. Perform system-level actions You can carry out the RunApp action in a macro to run another program such as Microsoft Excel from within Access, but you can’t use a macro to do much else outside of Access.
Manipulate records one at a time You can use VBA to step through a set of records, one record at a time, and perform an operation on each record. In contrast, macros work with entire sets of records at one time.
If you are adding a command button to a form, the Command Button Wizard can help you get started with programming. The wizard helps you create a command button that performs a specific task. In an Access. In an. In either case, you can then modify or enhance the macro or VBA code to better suit your needs.
In the Navigation Pane, right-click the form to which you want to add the command button, and then click Design View. On the Design tab, click the down arrow to display the Controls gallery, and then ensure that Use Control Wizards is selected. On the Design tab, in the Controls gallery, click Button.
On the first page of the wizard, click each category in the Categories list to see which actions the wizard can program the command button to perform. In the Actions list, select the action that you want, and then click Next. Click either the Text option or the Picture option, depending on whether you want text or a picture to be displayed on the command button.
If you want text to be displayed, you can edit the text in the box next to the Text option. If you want a picture to be displayed, the wizard suggests a picture in the list. If you want to select a different picture, select the Show All Pictures check box to display a list of all the command button pictures that Access provides, or click Browse to select a picture that is stored elsewhere. Enter a meaningful name for the command button.
This is an optional step, and this name is not displayed on the command button. However, it is a good idea to enter a meaningful name so that when you need to refer to the command button later for example, if you are setting the tab order for controls on your form , it will be much easier to differentiate between the command buttons. If the command button closes the form, for example, you might name it cmdClose or CommandClose. In the On Click property box, click the Build button.
Access starts the Macro Builder and displays the macro that the wizard created. You can edit the macro if you want for more information about how to edit a macro, see the section Understand macros. When you are finished, on the Design tab, in the Close group, click Close to close the Macro Builder. If Access prompts you to save the changes and update the property, click Yes to save the changes or No to reject the changes.
Click the new command button to confirm that it works as you expected. A macro is a tool that enables you to automate tasks and add functionality to your forms, reports, and controls. For example, if you add a command button to a form, you associate the button’s OnClick event property to a macro that contains the commands that you want the button to perform each time that it is clicked. It is helpful to think of Access macros as a simplified programming language in which you create code by building a list of actions to perform.
Description : Download an introduction to the Microsoft Access interface and covers the various aspects of database creation and management in Access Access Reports and Queries.
Description : This document has been developed to help you learn more about several useful features in Access including printing, applying queries, and importing Excel files. Microsoft Access Level 1. Description : Download free Microsoft Access level 1, course tutorial training, This document, Level 1, has been developed to introduce you to Microsoft Access.
Introduction to Access Access Database Design. Quick Start Guide Access Description : Microsoft Access looks different from previous versions, so we created this guide to help you minimize the learning curve. PDF file. Building Access databases. Description : This pdf course provides participants with the basic skills necessary to develop a simple Access database from a paper-based design.
Microsoft Access Level 3. Description : This document, Level 3, has been developed to help you learn more about several useful features in Access including printing, applying queries, and importing Excel files. Access – Introduction to Forms.
ms access vba programming pdf
Practical Learning: Creating the Sections of a Form. The width of a form or that of a report is the distance from its left border to its right border. All sections use the same width. To widen or narrow a form or report, click and drag the right border:.
To change both the width and the height of a form or report at the same time, position the mouse on the lower-right corner:. If you want to resize a form enough to show its whole content, on the Ribbon, click Home.
A Windows control, or simply called a control, is an object positioned in the body of a form to allow a database user to interract with the database. To manually add a control to a form or report, the form or report must be opened in Design View. When that happens, the Ribbon displays various objects in its Controls section.
To add a control to a form or report, click it in the Controls section of the Ribbon, and click the desired section of the form or report. You can then move and position the control as you see fit. Practical Learning: Adding a Control to a Form.
You can create a completely functional database using only Microsoft Access. In some cases, to get a more complex database, you have to write code. To support this, Microsoft Access ships with, and installs, a programming environment named Microsoft Visual Basic.
This is a smaller variant of the popular Microsoft Visual Basic language and environment but has everything necessary to create and manage a complex database.
In order to access Microsoft Visual Basic, you must first create or open a database in Microsoft Access. You have various options. To launch Microsoft Visual Basic:. When using a database, you are in fact using two applications to create a final product. Microsoft Access is used to design the necessary objects for your product. This means that Microsoft Access is used for its visual display of objects. On the other hand, Microsoft Visual Basic is used to handle code that enhances the functionality of your application.
The code you will write is made of small instructions written in plain English, in a version referred to as the Visual Basic language. The instructions you write must be translated in a language the computer can understand. This is done by a program called a compiler. That program works behind the scenes so you will almost never be concerned with it but you should know that it exists. A comment is a piece of text in a code section that the database engine would not consider when reading your code.
As such, a comment can be written any way you want. In Visual Basic, the line that contains a comment can start with a single quote. Alternatively, you can start a comment with the Rem keyword.
Anything on the right side of rem , Rem , or REM would not be read. Comments are very useful and it is strongly suggested that you use them regularly. They can never hurt your code and they don’t increase the size of your database.
Comments can help you and other people who read your code to figure out what a particular section of code is used for, which can be helpful when you re-visit your code after months or years of not seeing it. A module is a file that holds programming code or pieces of code in a Visual Basic application. There are three types of modules you will use. From Microsoft Access, if you use a form or a report to open its code, Microsoft Visual Basic automatically creates a new module for the form or report and displays it:.
As another category, you can create a module that is independent of any form or report. You can then write any code you want in that file.
To create a module:. The names of modules are cumulative. This means that the first module would be named Module1; the second would be Module2, etc.
It is a good idea to have names that are explicit especially if your application ends up with various modules. To give a custom name to a module, you must save it. This would prompt you to name the module. You can accept the suggested name or type your own and press Enter. Practical Learning: Creating an Independent Module. An event is an action that occurs on a control. Examples of actions include clicking a button, or typing text, or moving the mouse. Except for the label or for static controls , every control supports some events.
When an action occurs, the control is said to fire the event. A default event is the event the control is more likely to fire. For example, a button is more likely to be clicked; so the default event of a button is the click event. There are various ways you can launch an event for a control.
As one option, in Microsoft Access, right-click the control on a form or report and click Build Event If you are already working in Microsoft Visual Basic, in the Object combo box, select the control.
In the Procedure combo box, select the control. Practical Learning: Introducing Controls Events. The Microsoft Visual Basic application is equipped with various windows you can use to create and manage the necessary objects.
The windows are dockable. This means that they can be moved on the screen to other locations. The Project window displays the coding segments for the objects of your project.
The Project window is usually positioned on the left of the window. To move it, click its title bar under the Standard toolbar, hold your mouse down and drag it to the desired location. To position it back to its previous location, double-click its title bar. To expand or collapse the folders tree, click the Toggle Folders button. In the Microsoft Visual Basic Environment, the Properties window is used to specify or change some characteristics:.
The Code Editor is the area where you will write code. It is the largest section of the Microsoft Visual Basic programming environment. It is mainly made of three sections:. On top, there are two combo boxes.
To know the name of a combo box, you can position the mouse on it and a tool tip would come up:. The Object combo box allows you to select a particular object and access its actions. The Procedure combo box allows you to select an action, related to the object in the Object combo box. There are two small buttons on the left side of the horizontal scroll bar.
The Full Module View button is used to display the code with an object. The Procedure View button will display the procedures associated with the database.
The Code Editor uses default colors to show the code. To customize these colors, you can use the Editor Format property page of the Options dialog box. To access it, on the main menu, click Tools and click Options The Immediate window is used to test code when necessary.
There are various types of databases you can use in Microsoft Access. You can create a database from scratch. You can use some objects that ship with Microsoft Access to create a database. You can open either a database you previously created or one made by someone else. There are various ways you can create a database. To visually start a database from scratch, after launching Microsoft Access, click Blank Desktop Database.
In the right section, accept or change the name of the database. If you want to create a contemporary database, either omit or add the. If you want to create a database that is compatible with earlier versions of Microsoft Access, you must add the extension.
After specifying the name, to specify a folder of your choice, under File Name and on the right side of the name of the database, click the Browse button. This would open the File New Database dialog box. You can click the arrow of the Save In combo box to select a drive such as A: , C: , etc.
In this Microsoft Access tutorial, we take you through how to get set up in Access and start your database training journey. If you are brand new to databases, then this Microsoft Access for Beginners free course is for you!
This Access tutorial is nearly all video-led. The videos themselves are taken from our best-selling Microsoft Access for Beginners online course and are also hosted on our YouTube Channel. In this next video, we look at getting your version of Access set up and how to pick an Access Database template. In the next section of this Microsoft Access tutorial, we look at the correct way to save, launch and open your Access databases. The next video takes you through the ribbon and the third the quick access toolbar.
In the next two videos, we look at contextual menus and the status bar in MS Access. These two, short videos will help you become more efficient in MS Access. If you just want to keep the standard options, skip past this video. In this Microsoft Access tutorial, we look at how to create a table and fields in Microsoft Access. Microsoft Access is all about storing and using large amounts of data.
In order to do that in an effective way it indexes the data. In this video, we show you how to add fields and how to use indexed fields in Microsoft Access. In this next Access training video, we look at how to create a lookup field using the Lookup Wizard. A Lookup field limits or defines what data can go into which field and table.