Mastering autodesk maya 2018 pdf free download. Autodesk Maya 2018: A Comprehensive Guide, 10th Edition

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His art combines 2D and 3D techniques. You will be required to work with animators every day, so it is important to know the basics of what they do. For tho. Maya is a 3D software, developed by Autodesk Inc. Although Maya is quite a vast software to deal with, yet all the major tools and features used in Autodesk Maya have been covered in this book.

Alternatively, you can start Autodesk Maya by double-clicking on its shortcut icon displayed on the desktop of your computer. This icon is automatically created on installing Autodesk Maya on your computer. The Output Window is shown in Figure By default, all the new tools and icons are highlighted in green in Maya All these components will be discussed later in this chapter. When you start Autodesk Maya for the first time, the persp viewport is displayed by default, refer to Figure Workspace is the part or the work area where you can create a 3D scene.

Workspaces are also known as viewports or views. In this textbook, the workspaces will be referred to as viewports.

Every viewport has a grid placed in the center. The grid acts as a reference that is used in aligning the 3D objects or 2D curves. A grid is a pattern of straight lines that intersect with each other to form squares. The center of the grid is intersected by two dark lines. The point of intersection of these two dark lines is known as the origin.

The origin is an arbitrary point, which is used to determine the location of the objects. All the three coordinates, X, Y, and Z are set at 0 position on the origin.

Note that in Maya, the X, Y, and Z axes are displayed in red, green, and blue colors, respectively. Autodesk Maya is divided into four viewports: top-Y, front-Z, side-X, and persp. These viewports are classified into two categories, orthographic, and isometric. The orthographic category comprises the top, front, and side viewports and the isometric category consists of the persp viewport.

The orthographic viewport displays the 2-dimensional 2D view of the objects created in it, whereas the isometric viewport displays the 3-dimensional 3D view of the objects created.

Every viewport can be recognized easily by its name, which is displayed at the bottom of each viewport. Figure shows various components of the Maya interface. Every viewport has its own Panel menu that allows you to access the tools related to that specific viewport.

Similarly, every viewport in Maya has a default camera applied to it through which the viewport scene is visible. The name of the camera is displayed at the bottom of each viewport. In other words, the name of the viewport is actually the name of the camera of that particular viewport. The title bar, which lies at the top of the screen, displays the name and version of the software, the name of the file, and the location where the file is saved.

A Maya file is saved with the. The three buttons on the extreme right of title bar are used to minimize, maximize, and close the Autodesk Maya window, respectively. Various interface components of the Autodesk Maya interface are discussed next.

The menubar is available just below the title bar. The type of menubar displayed depends on menusets. These menusets are displayed in the Menuset drop-down list located on the extreme left of the Status Line. On selecting a particular menuset, the menus in the menubar change accordingly. However, there are nine common menus in Maya that remain constant irrespective of the menuset chosen.

Figure shows the menubar corresponding to the Modeling menuset. On invoking a menu from the menubar, a pull-down menu is displayed.

On the right of some of the options in these pull-down menus, there are two types of demarcations, arrows and option boxes. When you click on an option box, a window will be displayed. You can use this window to set the options for that particular tool or menu item.

On clicking the arrow, the corresponding cascading menu will be displayed. The Status Line is located below the menubar. The Menuset drop-down list is located at the left of the Status Line. The Status Line consists of different graphical icons. The graphical icons are further grouped and these groups are separated by vertical lines with either a box or an arrow symbol in the middle.

On doing so, the corresponding icons will hide and the box will change into an arrow symbol. The options displayed in the menubar depend upon the menuset selected from this drop-down list. For example, if you select the Rendering menuset from the Menuset drop-down list, all the commands related to it will be displayed in the menus of the menubar.

You can add a custom menuset by selecting the Customize option. On selecting it, the Menu Set Editor window will be displayed, as shown in Figure Enter the menu name in Enter name edit box and then choose the Create button, the new menuset will be added in the Menu sets area of the window. To add a menu in the Menus in menu set area; select the desired menu items from the All menus area and right-click on it. Next, choose Add to Menu Set from the shortcut menu displayed; the selected menu items will be added to the Menus in menu set area.

Now, choose the Close Window button to close the window. The buttons in this group are used to perform different file related operations, refer to Figure The tools in this group are discussed next. The Create a new scene button is used to create a new scene.

To do so, choose the New scene button from the Status Line; the Warning: Scene Not Saved message box will be displayed with the Save changes to untitled scene? This warning message will only appear if the current scene is not saved. Choose the Save button to save the scene. Choose the Cancel button to cancel the saving procedure. The Open a scene button is used to open a file created earlier.

To do so, choose this button from the Status Line; the Open dialog box will be displayed, as shown in Figure In this dialog box, specify the location of the file that you want to open and then choose the Open button; the selected file will open in the Maya interface.

This dialog box is divided into different sections and some of them are discussed next. The bookmarks section is used to access the folders in your computer.

You can also rearrange the default location of the folders in this section by dragging them up and down using the left mouse button. This button is used to set a new project by replacing the current project. On choosing this button, a new window named Set Project will be displayed. You will learn about this window later in this book. The Save the current scene button is used to save the current scene. On choosing the Save the current scene button, the Save As dialog box will be displayed.

Enter a name for the file in the File name text box, specify the location to save the current scene, and then choose the Save As button to save the current scene. Maya provides you with various options that can be used while saving a file.

These options are given on the right side of the dialog box in the Options section. The Undo the last action button is used to remove the last applied action and the Redo the last undone action button is used to apply the last undone action again. The Selection Set Icons group shown in Figure is used to define the selection of objects or the components of objects from the viewport.

This group comprises of three buttons that are discussed next. The Select by hierarchy and combinations button is used to select a group of objects in a scene in a hierarchical order. For example, if four objects are combined under a single group, clicking on a single object with this button chosen will select the entire group of objects. The Select by object type button is used to select only a single object from a group of objects in a scene. For instance, if four objects are combined under a single group, this button will enable you to select only the desired object from the group, and not the entire group.

The Select by component type button is used to select the components of an object, such as vertices or faces. The Selection Mask Icons group comprises of selection filters that help you in selecting objects or their components in the viewport. The selection mask icons group depends on the selection mode button chosen. If the Select by hierarchy and combinations button is chosen, then the icons under this group will change, as shown in Figure These icons represent the tools that enable you to select the objects based on their hierarchy.

Similarly, on choosing the Select by component type button and the Select by object type button, the icons under these groups will change accordingly, and this will enable you to select either the entire object, or its components, refer to Figures and The most commonly used group is the icons group displayed on choosing the Select by object type button.

Various buttons in this selection masks icons group are discussed next. The Set the object selection mask button is used to switch all the selection icons on or off. To do so, choose the Set the object selection mask button from the Status Line; a flyout will be displayed, as shown in Figure Choose the All objects on option from the flyout to make all selection icons on or select the All objects off option to switch off all selection icons from the menu.

If the All objects off option is chosen, you cannot select any object in the viewport. The Select handle objects button allows you to select IK handles and selection handles. You will learn more about this button in the later chapters.

The Select joint objects button is used to select only the joints of the objects while animating or rigging them. The Select curve objects button is used to select the NURBS curves, curves on the surface, and paint effects strokes in the viewport.

The Select deformations objects button is used to select the lattices, clusters, nonlinear, and sculpt objects in the viewport. The Select dynamic objects button is used to select the dynamic objects in the viewport. The Select rendering objects button is used to select the lights, cameras, and textures in the viewport. The Select miscellaneous objects button is used to select miscellaneous objects such as IK End Effectors, locators, and dimensions in the viewport.

The Highlight Selection mode is on button is used to turn off the automatic display of the components. The Snap Buttons group comprises of different snap options, as shown in Figure These options are used to snap the selected objects to specific points in a scene. The buttons in this group are discussed next. The Snap to grids tool is used to snap an object to the closest grid intersection point.

Next, press the middle mouse button over the sphere and drag it; the sphere will be snapped to the closest grid intersection point, refer to Figure The Snap to curves button is used to snap an object to the curve in the viewport.

Next, choose Move Tool from the Tool Box and align the cube over the curve. Choose the Snap to curves button from the Status Line. Press the middle mouse button over the cube and drag it; the cube will move over the curve while remaining snapped to the curve, refer to Figure The Snap to points button is used to snap the selected objects to the closest control vertex or pivot point. Now, set the Width divisions and Height divisions to 10 , and then click in the viewport to make a plane.

Next, create a cube in the viewport, as discussed earlier. Next, select the cube and choose the Snap to points button from the Status Line and drag the cube with the middle mouse button; the cube will snap to the closest control vertex of the polygonal plane.

The Snap to Projected Center button is used to snap an object joint or locator to the center of the other object. Now, select the locator and choose the Snap to Projected Center button from the Status Line; the locator will snap to the center of the polygonal plane. The Snap to view planes button is used to snap the selected object to the view plane of the viewport. The Make the selected object live button is used to make the selected surface a live object.

A live object is used to create objects or curves directly on its surface. To create a cube on the surface of the sphere, choose the Make the selected object live button from the Status Line; the sphere will appear in green wireframe. This group in the Status Line helps you control various objects. The objects with input connections are affected or controlled by other objects, whereas the objects with output connections affect or control other objects. The Inputs to the selected object button is used to edit all input connections for the selected object such that the selected object gets influenced by another object.

The Outputs from the selected object button is used to select and edit the output operations of an object. The construction history is used to track the changes made on an object at a later stage. Sometimes, the construction history may make a particular file size heavy. To decrease the file size, you can deactivate this option.

This group in the Status Line is used to access all render controls in Maya. The Render the current frame button is used to render the selected viewport at the current frame using the Arnold renderer.

Choose the Render the current frame button from the Status Line; the Render View window will be displayed. The Render View window shows the rendered view of the selected scene, refer to Figure , whereas Output Window will display all the rendering calculations made for rendering the active scene, refer to Figure This tool helps you to adjust the lighting or the shading attributes of the rendered scene and then update it as per the requirement.

To render the current frame, choose this button from the Status Line; the Render View window will be displayed. Now, press the left mouse button and drag it in the Render View window to set the selection for IPR rendering. As a result, Maya will render the selected part only. In other words, it will help you visualize your scene dynamically. Now, if you make changes in the color or lighting attribute of the scene using Attribute Editor , the selected part will be rendered automatically.

On choosing the Display render settings window button, the Render Settings window will be displayed, as shown in Figure This window comprises of all controls needed for rendering. These controls help you adjust the render settings such as resolution, file options, ray tracing quality, and so on. On choosing this button, the Hypershade window will be displayed.

Using this window, you can create shading networks. The Hypershde window is discussed in detail in the later chapters. On choosing this button, the Render Setup Editor window will be displayed, with the Render Setup editor on the left and the Property Editor on the right. The Render Setup editor allows you to create layers, collections and overrides, whereas the Property Editor allows you to set their corresponding values.

On choosing this button, the Light Editor Global Mode window will be displayed. This window lists all lights in the scene with commonly used attributes for each light. This group in the Status Line helps you quickly select, rename, and transform the objects that are created in the viewport.

Some of the options in this group are in hidden modes. To view them, move the cursor over the arrow on the left of the input field and then press and hold the left mouse button on it; a flyout will be displayed. Now, select the required option from the flyout; the corresponding mode will be displayed. By default, the Absolute transform mode is active. The transform modes are discussed next. The Absolute transform area is used to move, rotate, or scale a selected object in the viewport.

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Activities allow participants to brainstorm the many types. Recognize the importance of web traffic. Without a good number. It caters to the needs of both the novice and advanced users of Maya and is ideally suited for learning at your convenience and at your pace. Brief Table of Contents. Chapter 1: Exploring Maya Interface. Chapter 2: Polygon Modeling. Chapter 5: UV Mapping. Chapter 6: Shading and Texturing.

Chapter 7: Lighting. Chapter 8: Animation. Chapter 9: Rigging, Constraints, and Deformers. Chapter Paint Effects. Chapter Rendering. Chapter Particle System. Chapter Introduction to nParticles.

Chapter Fluids.



Mastering Autodesk Maya Autodesk Official Press By Todd Palamar – PDF Free Download


Please give us your email address and we will keep you informed about the material added to this web page mailto: sales cadcim. Click to see Full Image. Mastering autodesk maya 2018 pdf free download to the world of Autodesk Maya Autodesk Maya is a powerful, integrated 3D modeling, animation, visual effects, and rendering software developed by Autodesk Inc.

This integrated node based 3D software finds its application in the development of films, games, and design projects.

A wide range of 3D visual effects, computer graphics, and character animation tools make it an ideal platform for 3D artists. The intuitive user interface and workflow tools of Maya have made the job of design visualization specialists a lot easier. Autodesk Maya A Comprehensive Guide textbook covers all features of Autodesk Maya in a simple, lucid, and comprehensive manner.

It aims at harnessing the power of Autodesk Maya for 3D and visual effects artists, and designers. This textbook will help you transform your imagination into reality with ease. Also, it will unleash your creativity, thus helping you create realistic 3D models, animation, and visual effects.

It caters to the needs of both the novice and advanced users of Maya and is ideally suited for learning at your convenience and at your pace. Brief Table of Contents.

Chapter 1: Exploring Maya Interface. Chapter 2: Polygon Modeling. Chapter 5: UV Mapping. Chapter 6: Shading and Texturing. Chapter 7: Нажмите чтобы узнать больше. Chapter 8: Animation.

Chapter 9: Rigging, Constraints, and Deformers. Chapter Paint Effects. Chapter Rendering. Chapter Particle System. Chapter Introduction to nParticles. Chapter Fluids. Chapter nHair. Chapter Maya Fur. Chapter Bullet Physics. Tutorial files zipped PDF file. Free Technical Support For free technical support, please email to. Rendered Images. Click here to order. If you find any problems in downloading the files or the contents, please contact us at techsupport cadcim.

Thank you. Following are the additional features of this book : Consists of 17 chapters that are organized in a pedagogical sequence covering a wide range of topics such as Maya interface, Mastering autodesk maya 2018 pdf free download modeling, NURBS modeling, texturing, mastering autodesk maya 2018 pdf free download, cameras, animation, Paint Effects, Rendering, nHair, Fur, Fluids, Particles, nParticles and Bullet Physics in Autodesk Maya The first page of every chapter summarizes the topics that are covered in it.

Consists of hundreds of illustrations and a comprehensive coverage of Autodesk Maya concepts and commands. Real-world 3D models and examples focusing on industry experience. Step-by-step instructions that guide the user through the learning process. Additional information is provided throughout the book in the form of mastering autodesk maya 2018 pdf free download and notes.

Self-Evaluation test, Review Questions, and Exercises are given at the end of each chapter so that the users can assess their knowledge. Maya zipped files Part files used in tutorials, and exercises.


Mastering autodesk maya 2018 pdf free download


Home » Software » Autodesk Maya Digunakan oleh jutaan artist professional, software ini mampu membangun sebuah 3D design dan 3D animation dengan segala flow dan fitur lengkap didalamnya. Autodesk Maya pada zaman awal diperkenalkan di pasar, memang langsung menjadi sorotan dunia software 3d. Pasalnya dengan fitur yang sangat canggih, para artist hanya memerlukan sebuah komputer untuk dapat merancang segala model impian mereka, dan juga memberikan animasi didalamnya.

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