Export 4K Videos in Adobe Premiere Pro Easily – Rekomendasi Artikel

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February 12, Premiere Pro handles p footage easily. The New Sequence Preset Window. How the export settings dialogue box looks upon opening it for the first time.

The export settings heading of the dialog box. HD Export settings for rendering your videos for clients. Audio export settings.

Book More Weddings! You now can move the video and audio track clips independently of each other. For example, holding Alt will let you click and only select one audio track from a linked pair. The Snap icon looks like a U-shaped magnet, and should be highlighted blue if it is on, and white when it is turned off.

You can also click S on your keyboard to turn it on and off. The razor tools is ideal for editing longer clips, like interview segments. You can bring the entire clip into the timeline and use the razor tool to make cuts to the clip. For a shortcut, you can also press C on your keyboard.

Your cursor will change to a small razor icon while you are using this tool. Click on the video clip at the point where you want to cut it. Or cut the clip multiple times to create a segment in the middle that you can remove. You can make shorter selections from video clips while they are displayed in the Source pane to simplify editing before you bring clips into the timeline. You can select only the best parts of the clip to bring into the timeline, so you can edit out any unnecessary footage.

In the Project pane, double click on the clip you want to edit to display it in the Source pane. You can also scrub through a clip by clicking on the blue playhead just under the clip and dragging it to the right or left. You will see a highlighted blue area in the scrubber bar below the clip showing the selected area.

The in and out points can be adjusted by clicking and dragging on either edge of the blue section of the scrub bar. If you want to put a new clip at a point in the timeline where it will overlap with an existing clip, you have two options:. You can do Overwrite or Insert edits by moving a new clip to the same track in the Timeline as the existing clip or by putting the new clip on a new video track above the existing clip.

If you do an Insert edit on a new track, it will still split the original clip on the track below. When you drag a clip to the timeline, Premiere will automatically overwrite the overlapping portion of the existing clip with the new clip.

This will be indicated by an arrow pointing down. That will split the existing clip on the Timeline and move the rest of the clip further to the right on the timeline to make room for the new clip.

This is indicated by an arrow pointing to the right. In the Project pane, click to highlight the video clip you want to insert into the timeline. If you use the keyboard shortcuts or the buttons, Premiere Pro will place the clip where your playhead the vertical blue line is located in your timeline. You can control where clips go when you add them from the source monitor, or when you copy and paste them. The rows with blue highlighted letters, to the left side of the Timeline pane, control where video clips are placed.

The far left side refers to what is in your source window. The below image is saying I have a clip loaded that has one video track and two audio tracks, and that if I drag it into the timeline, it would be placed on video track V1 and audio tracks A1 and A2.

You can move these targets around to change where clips will be placed. In the below image you can see that the source targeting has been moved to video track V3 and audio tracks A3 and A4.

When clips are added from the source window, this is where they will be placed. This is called Track Targeting. So if you copy a clip, by default it will paste into video track V1, but you could change that by clicking the highlighted video and audio tracks to turn targeting on or off. By default, clips will paste into the innermost targeted track. So right now, if I copied and pasted a clip, it would appear in video track V3 and audio tracks A3 and A4. By default, Premiere Pro provides three tracks of video and six tracks of audio in the timeline.

You can create additional tracks by dragging clips above or below the outermost tracks. You can also create additional tracks in the horizontal menu at the top of the screen. A new window will appear called Add Tracks. Enter the number of video and audio tracks you would like to add, and choose where they will be placed.

Click OK to add the tracks. If you have multiple tracks of video, whatever video is on the top track in the timeline will be shown when the sequence is played, and any other video clips underneath will not be seen. If you have multiple audio tracks then all the audio will play simultaneously no matter which is above or below the others on the timeline. To hide the video from a particular track in the timeline:. You can set markers on clips in the Source, Timeline or Program panes to help keep track of clips when editing video and audio.

The marker creates a snap-point on a clip or the timeline that the playhead will lock onto. You can set a marker during audio editing at the downbeat so you then can position a video clip to begin at precisely that point. When using multiple markers, it can be helpful to change the color of a marker and give it a name. To edit, right click on the selected marker, and choose Edit Marker… from the dropdown menu. You can change the name and color of the marker in the window that opens, and click OK.

Audio tracks, both those associated with your video or independent tracks that are just audio, are displayed below the video tracks on your timeline. In Premiere, there is a horizontal line through the waveform that represents the base audio level. You can drag this line up or down to adjust the volume of the clip. You also can raise or lower the audio at multiple points within a clip to create fade ins and fade outs with your audio.

Do this at the points where you want the audio to change. Another way to do add keyframes is by selecting the Pen from the tool palette, and clicking on the white line. This indicates you can change the audio level by clicking, holding down your mouse and dragging the keyframe higher to increase the audio or lower to decrease audio. The audio level line will change accordingly. If the audio level line slopes up from one keyframe to the next, the audio will fade in.

If the audio level line slopes down from one keyframe to the next, the audio will fade out. You also can drag a keyframe to the left or right to adjust where fade ins and fade outs begin and end. One of the most commonly used transitions is the cross dissolve. You can also use the search bar to locate a specific transition you want to use. To add the transition between two clips in your timeline, position your playhead between the clips, then select the transition you want to use.

The transition is shown as a gray bar connecting the clips. A faster way to add a cross dissolve between two clips is to use a keyboard shortcut.

The Cross Dissolve transition will be added here, as well as Constant Power, which fades in and out audio between clips. Share on social media. Once you have chosen your export settings, click the Publish tab. Check the boxes and log in to the social media platforms you would like to upload to. Enter any additional information you want, such as Tags and a Description if those options are available.

Click Export. After the file has been exported, it will automatically be uploaded to your social media platform s as well. For Instagram we choose 4mbps. You can see how the size of our file was significantly reduced. Audio that suits us is AAC. And for convenience save this render settings to upload nextvideos to Instagram. If you want to post videos of the best quality to Instagram, check this guide. Choose among the 5 best free stock footage websites to find free media for your next project!

Post and export videos to Instagram without losing quality!



Cara render video di adobe premiere pro cc free download. Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019


Terima kasih… Balas. Sama-sama terima kasih atas kunjungannya Balas. Sangat membantu bagi pemula seperti saya Balas. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya, bila perlu masih ada tips seputar tutorial premiere pro lainnya. Saya abis eksport pas liat vidionya audionya suka kecepetan Balas. Ohh itu ada perbedaan antara pengatuan sequence sama video yang di edit kakak, Jadi misal bahan video nya 24 fps tapi pengaturannya di 30 fps biasanya kurang sinkron sama audionya kak Balas.

Tinggalkan komentar Batalkan balasan Komentar Nama Surel Situs web Simpan nama, email, dan situs web saya pada peramban ini untuk komentar saya berikutnya. Settingan nya akan berubah menjadi seperti gambar, yaitu H. Setelah itu, tinggal di Start saja renderingnya. Tunggu hingga selesai, dan silahkan dilihat hasilnya.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga tutorial ini bermanfaat buat teman-teman semua. Sampai jumpa di tutorial dan artikel lainnya, dan teruslah berkarya.

Follow us on:. All rights reserved. Toggle navigation. November 21, Dadan Abdullah, S. You may also like. May 27, November 14, Jika tidak, Anda tidak akan melebihi Windows Movie Maker. Saya ingin mencegah Anda karena Anda bisa mendapatkan software profesional dengan cara yang legal dan gratis. Ada banyak analog Premiere Pro yang akan melakukan pekerjaan pada tingkat yang sama tanpa pembayaran tambahan.

Ini adalah versi sederhana dari video editor berbayar DaVinci Resove. App ini fokus pada koreksi warna klip video profesional, tapi Anda bisa mengedit video apapun dengan bantuannya. Ini adalah editor profesional dan Anda akan langsung melihat ini dalam kualitas antarmuka dan fungsionalitasnya. DaVinci Resolve Lite tidak mencakup banyak filter video, karena utamanya adalah korektor warna, tapi dukungan OpenFX menyelesaikan masalah ini.

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Nuke adalah editor video profesional dengan kelas tertinggi, yang digunakan untuk membuat film seperti Avatar, King Kong, I, Robot, Tron, dan The Hobbit. Software ini bisa digunakan untuk tujuan pribadi dan pendidikan secara gratis. Antarmuka program ini tidak terlihat seperti video editor biasa. Video terletak tidak di timeline, tapi di grafik disini. Sudut grafik terhubung, sehingga menciptakan film akhir. Perlu diketahui program ini memerlukan komputer yang kuat.

Nuke mencakup banyak filter untuk post-pemrosesan, transisi, efek 3D dan transformasi. Setiap parameter efek bisa ditambahkan ke beberapa keyframe.

Nuke adalah video editor yang kuat, yang tampaknya kompleks bagi pengguna pemula, tapi cocok untuk video editor berpengalaman.


Adobe Premiere Pro | Tutorial | Berkeley Advanced Media Institute


Halo teman-teman Dumet School Dalam tutorial kali ini akan saya jelaskan bagaimana cara kita untuk merender atau video yang sudah kita edit menggunakan Adobe Premiere Pro. Rendering merupakan sebuah Proses dimana kita akan mengubah file editing video yang sudah kita buat, menjadi sebuah bentuk file video yang bisa kita buka dengan menggunakan video Player.

Rendering pada Adobe Premiere Pro mungkin sedikit akan sulit kita lakukan terutama bagi para pemula, karena sangat banyak istilah yang tidak kita mengeri. Nah, tetapi buat teman-teman semuya, gak pertu takut, karena Adobe sudah dari awal menyiapkan sebuah Aplikasi untuk mempermudah dalam proses render dari Adobe Premiere. Namanya adalah Adobe Encoder. Adobe Encoder mempermudah kita dalam menentukan hasil rendering atau format video yang kita inginkan. Semua settingan yang kita inginkan sudah ada di dalam Adobe Encoder , tinggal kita pilih saja sesuai dengan keinginan kita.

Settingan tersebut, tinggal kita terapkan pada file editing yang ingin kita render, sehingga kita tidak perlu lagi mengatur settingan-settingan video yang tidak kita mengerti apa saja fungsi-fungsinya. Untuk bisa merender menggunakan Adobe Encoder, teman-teman harus pastikan dulu apakah Adobe Encoder sudah terinstall pada komputer.

Jika belum ada, teman-teman bisa download dulu Adobe Encodernya di Internet. Berikut ini, akan saya ajarkan langkah-langkah merender dari Adobe Premiere Pro, dengan menggunakan Adobe Encoder. Langsung saja disimak yah teman-teman Langkah pertama adalah, pastikan dulu semua editing sudah kita selesaikan, dan video yang sudah kita edit sudah siap di render.

Nah, akan keluar sebuah window, dimana kita bisa mengatur pengaturan untuk rendering yang kita inginkan. Kita akan dibawa ke window dimana akan terbuka sebuah aplikasi baru yang dinamakan Adobe Encoder, yang merupakan aplikasi yang terpisah dari Adobe Premiere Pro.

Tinggal teman-teman ikutin caranya :. Pilih format video yang teman-teman inginkan. Misalnya biar tidak pusing dan hasilnya sudah pasti baik, saya pilih untuk Web Video. Kemudian pilih Youtube. Kemudian saya memilih Youtube HD yang mempunyai resolusi x Untuk kualitas atau resolusi video, bisa teman-teman pilih selain yang HD, karena ada juga yang HD dengan resolusi x disesuaikan dengan format video aslinya 4.

Drag settingan yang sudah teman-teman pilih pada bagian kanan, kebagian kiri, atau bagian video kita dengan klik pada mouse kemudian tarik ke bagian yang ditujukan pada nomor 4. Settingan nya akan berubah menjadi seperti gambar, yaitu H. Setelah itu, tinggal di Start saja renderingnya. Tunggu hingga selesai, dan silahkan dilihat hasilnya. Selamat mencoba dan semoga tutorial ini bermanfaat buat teman-teman semua. Sampai jumpa di tutorial dan artikel lainnya, dan teruslah berkarya.

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