Cultured Code Releases ‘Mail to Things’ – MacStories

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A powerful new way to create to-dos from other apps, services, and platforms. Available now in Things 3. For this to be effective, you need to be able to capture everything — only then can you be confident that nothing important has slipped through the cracks. The problem, for some взято отсюда, is that these methods are only available within the Apple ecosystem — and many of cultured code things email integration free customers have asked for more ways to to-dos from more places.

Mail to Things is extremely simple to use. You send an email to Things Cloud, and it appears as a to-do in Things. Here are three ways you could use it:. Since any cultured code things email integration free that sends an email can create a to-do in Things, there are literally hundreds of ways to use this feature. Really — you can get seriously nerdy…. Mail to Things is more powerful than it might seem at first cultured code things email integration free.

Thanks to various apps and online services — such as Workflow inteegration, IFTTTand Zapier — you can use Mail to Things to build workflows that create to-dos for you automatically. You can adopt them into intgeration own setup, or build your own. Finally, just a tip for all our developer friends out there: GitHub allows you to set an independent email address for notifications, so you can use Mail to Things to have Issues delivered directly to your Things Inbox, with a link.

As draws to a close, we reflect on what has wmail a remarkable year for us. We emall the long awaited Things 3, which has been received exceptionally well, and even won a продолжение здесь Apple Design Award. All the while, our heroic support team has handled just over 44, inquiries.

What a year! Thank you all so much for using Как сообщается здесь and supporting its development; we truly appreciate it. Happy Holidays to you all, and see you in ! December 12th, Mail to Things. Outbox to Inbox Mail to Things is extremely simple to use. Enable Mail to Things. Send an email to your new things. Email to-dos directly to cultured code things email integration free Things Inbox.

Here are three ways you could use it: Send to-dos to Things from other platforms, like your PC at work. Forward an email to Things from your iPhone; Things will link back to the email so you can find it again later. Give your things. Really — you can get seriously nerdy… Powerful Workflows Читать to Things is more powerful than it might seem at first glance. Funny that an email feature Support Help Contact Getting Productive.



Connect your Gmail to Things integration in 2 minutes | Zapier


Things is the award-winning personal task manager that helps you achieve your goals. Check out our 15 day free trial of Things for Mac. The all-new Things Things is the award-winning personal task manager that helps you achieve your goals.

Watch Introduction Video. For Mac macOS For iPad iPadOS Follow us on Twitter. Apple Apple Design Award. It is simple and easy to use, and it has a beautiful design.

While being powerful enough for even the most detailed and organized power user, it is also simple enough for the rest of us. The developers of Things have finally found the perfect balance of easy use and robust features. The design team at Cultured Code have worked their magic all over the app, and every individual bit and pixel has been redesigned and crafted to perfection.

It was simply designed with the understanding that real people are going to be using it for real life. What an amazing piece of software. Things on iPad and iPhone is one of the most tactile, fast-as-you-can-move apps around. Each animation is purposeful. Mainly, it is fun. To put stuff into, to rearrange. It is old. Things has been around for over ten years. I was glad to open it ten years ago, and I am glad to open it today.

MacStories Best App Update. Support Help Contact Getting Productive.


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